African Pro-poor Tourism Development Centre – Making Tourism work for Communities


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Green Energy Development

The Green Energy Initiative.

The Green Energy Initiative advocates for and facilitates utilization of green energy in the production of goods and services by human from natural resources such as water, wind and sunshine, and waste such as animal/human and market waste.

The initiative creates awareness and implements small scale projects such as Biogas installation for household level, which helps in the reduction of over-dependence on firewood(forest) as source of energy for household cooking. Further efforts are put in energy audits to assertain per capita energy utilization in companies and adoptation of green energy sources such as solar by companies.

How We Do It.

1.Partnership with government and private sector.

2.Advocating for use of green energy in production of goods and services.

3.Biogas  project at community level/ household level.

4.Solar energy project at household level.

5.Carbon Free Gas energy project  at household level.

6.Biomass Project from waste.

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