African Pro-poor Tourism Development Centre – Making Tourism work for Communities


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Enhancing access to proper sanitation for the students of Ngararia School to maintain their health and well-being

Our Mission: Enhance Sanitation & Hygiene at Nga’raria Primary School Through Construction of Toilets and Handwashing Station For Learners.

African Pro-Poor Tourism Development Centre is committed on supporting sanitation and hygiene infrastructural development in public schools in Kenya. The aim is to improve the sanitation and hygiene of learners while in school, which frees them from contracting diseases caused by poor sanitation and hygiene environment. This Cause focuses on Ng’araria Primary School in Kandara, Murang’a County of Kenya. The cause will involve construction of an 8 Door Toilet and Urinal Block, and a Handwashing Station for use by these learners.


$0.00 of $20,000.00
ended 9 months ago


Problem: Inadequate Toilet, Urinal and Handwashing Facilities To Enhance Sanitation and Hygiene. Nga’raria Primary School faces a challenge of adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities-toilet, urinal and handwashing for the 500 learners it is serving. There are only 1 Toilet Block and Urinal for boys and 1 for girls. This is inadequate for the 500 as long ques and scrambling is experienced during morning, lunch and evening breaks. This challenge exposes learners to health risks that are associated with poor sanitation and hygiene facilities.

Target: Number of Facilities and Funds Required. We target to construct 2 Toilet, Urinal and Handwashing Blocks each for boys and girls. Expected results are reduced health risk, reduced ratio of toilet: pupil, reduced ques at toilets by learners, and access to handwashing facilities to leaners after using toilets. The budget is Kshs 6,000,000.00

Duration: The cause will be implemented for a period of 3 months when the construction is expected to be completed and handed over to the school.