African Pro-poor Tourism Development Centre – Making Tourism work for Communities


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Help us create a greener future by adopting trees for schools,

Our Mission: Greening Four Public Primary Schools Through Growing Indigenous and Fruit Trees.

As part of our commitment at the African Pro-Poor Tourism Development Centre, we strive to support public schools in Kenya in their efforts to create a School Environment that is free from tree cover loss and degradation. This Cause specifically focuses on four schools located in Oloitokitok, Kajiado County. We firmly believe that the future lies in the hands of our learners, which is why we aim to educate them about the importance of the environment, its protection, and conservation.

Through our program, we not only promote awareness but also actively engage students in the process of planting and nurturing trees until they reach maturity. By instilling these values early on, we hope to cultivate a generation that understands the significance of trees and their role in sustaining our planet.

130 words / 802 characters


$0.00 of $30,000.00
ended 9 months ago


Problem: Degraded School Environment and Lost Tree Cover. Impironi, Enchoro, Kimana and Enkii schools are public primary schools found in the ASAL area of Kajiado County, Kenya. The schools faces challenges of low tree cover and degraded environment. The playing grounds and other environments are full of dust when it is dry and muddy when it rains. Dust and Mud exposes learners to difficult leaning environment and teachers to difficult teaching environment. Dust exposes children to respiratory health conditions, coughing, untidiness. Both Mud and dust makes it difficult for learners to even play and exercise better in the school. Mud makes movement uncomfortable. The open environment with little trees has exposed the school to strong wind that usually destroys the school infrastructure. We believe that achieving a high Tree Cover by growing trees in the school will help solve these challenges. We have already begun growing trees in these schools and so far, 1000 trees have been planted and are under monitoring to maturity level.

Target: Trees and Funds Required. We target to grow 2500 more trees both indigenous and fruit trees with expectation of both nutritional from fruits, ecological, aesthetic and atmospheric cooling benefits. Funds required is Kshs 1,000,000.00

Duration: The cause will be implemented for a period of 6 months when the trees planted are expected to have grown and become self-sustainable.