African Pro-poor Tourism Development Centre – Making Tourism work for Communities


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Disease Treatment Care & Support

Disease Treatment Care & Support (DTCS).

Treatment Care & Support program is aimed at supporting delivery of Treatment plan to patients a to address the symptoms of a disease to either cure or manage it for a longer time, provide Supportive Care to patients to improve the quality of life of patients who have serious or life-threatening disease. Treatment and Supportive Care program helps patients meet their physical, informational, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, and practical needs during the pre-diagnostic, diagnostic, treatment, and follow-up phases of the disease. The services the program offers include Peer support,  treatment adherence, nutritional support, education/counseling, psychological support, therapy, pain and symptom control, social support, rehabilitation, complementary therapies, spiritual support, palliative care and referrals for continuous treatment, to infections and diseases such as HIV/AIDS, TB, Cancer, Depression, Hypertension, Stroke, etc.

   The Goal of the program is:

To contribute to the universal access to comprehensive treatment, care and support to all.

How We Do It.

1. Partnership with public and private sector.

2.Resource mobilization to fund Treatment Care and Support interventions.

3.Home Community Based Care support visits.

4.Treatment plan for patients.

5.Nutritional support-counseling and food supplementation supply.

6.Referrals for treatment and other support service.

7.Trainings of Caregivers and Community Volunteers on Supportive Care for patients.

8.Distribution of supportive care equipment to patients in need.

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