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Go Green: Landscape and Tree Cover Restoration

Go Green: Landscape and Tree Cover Restoration


This is a project on pilot implemented in Kajiado County through the support of public donations, targeting Schools, Open Public Spaces and other protected areas with the involvement of learners in schools and eldest youths out of school. The aim is to enhance Environmntal Conservation Education amongst young people and ensure sustainable livelihood for youths from Environmental Conservation actions. The objective is to make a contribution to increase on the Tree Cover of above 10% land mass in Kenya.

Project Name:

Go Green: Landscape and Tree Cover Restoration.


Deforestation- Reduced Forest/Tree Cover, Poverty, Climate Change, Drought, Desertification, Wildlife Loss, Effects on Tourism.

Project Intervention:

1. School Based Tree Planting Through Environmental Clubs.

2. Environmental Conservation Education In Schools and Community.

3. Youth Led Community Based Environmental Conservetion Initiatives.

Project Overall Objective:

To increase Tree and Vegetataion cover to above 10% of total land mass by Vision 2030.

Project  Specific Objectives

1. To establish/ strengthen Environmental Clubs in 450 schools in Kajiado County.
2. To establish 5 Tree Seedling Nurseries in Kajiado County.

3. To plant 1,000,000 trees annually in schools, hospitals, open public spaces, riparian land, degraded forest land in Kajiado County.

4. To enhance awareness creation at community level on tree planting and protection of riparian and water catchment areas in Kajiado County.

Project Target: 

Plant 1,000,000 trees every year.

Project Duration: 

Jan 2023 to December 2027

Project Location:

Kajiado County( Kajiado South, Kajiado East, Kajiado Central, Kajiado North and Kajiado West)

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