African Pro-poor Tourism Development Centre – Making Tourism work for Communities


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Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism

Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism.

This program utilizes the unique tourism characteristics that make it different from other industries. We achieve this through labor-intensiveness, location of tourist attraction in remote areas, the north-south dichotomy, high multiplier effects of the tourist’s dollar, and the fact that the tourists travel to the destination as opposed to the product being shipped to the consumer.

This program harnesses the power of tourism to alleviate poverty amongst local communities through the following seven carefully formulated strategies as recommended by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Program Goal:

Contribute to the improvement of livelihoods of local communities through partnership and resource mobilization.

Program Intervention & Activities.

1. Situation Analysis and profiling of community’s livelihood status through Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analaysis (SWOT) to inform cause of action.

2. Resource mobilization from the tourism sector to support and implement livelihood improvement activities for the communities.

3. Establishment of income generating enterprises in agriculture, art, culture and community local guides empowerment, for the tourism sector.

4. Enhancing employment of the poor in tourism enterprises through linkages and partnership with the tourism sector.

5.Stimulating supply of goods and services produced by the local communities to tourism establishments and countries.

6. Promoting direct sale of goods and services to tourists by local communities through the informal sector.

7.Increased Corporate Social Responsibility by tourism establishments for native local communities.

8. Usage of locally developed investments for tourism purposes.

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